Our Curriculum
Our ambition is that students will be equipped with the qualifications needed for the next stage of their academic journeys, but also be empowered with the knowledge, skills and values needed for success in Modern Britain. To this end Stretford Grammar School aims to:
- Provide opportunities within our school community for students to develop their leadership skills
- Promote and uphold the school values of:
Aspiration - we always give our best efforts in everything that we do
Endeavour - we try to be the best version of ourselves through participating in the opportunities provided by school and the wider community
Respect - we take pride in working in a harmonious community built on kindness and integrity
- Ensure that curriculum coverage and content represents the diversity of our community, and exposes students to role models who provide positive representations of success in all subject areas
- Provide opportunities for students to learn beyond the classroom though visits, and outside speakers, and to expose them to new experiences, cultural events and landscapes
- Foster an intrinsic motivation for academic and personal excellence by ensuring our rewards system gives students a broad range of opportunities to experience success
- Continuously evaluate our subject curriculums to ensure they are challenging, and are well sequenced, so that knowledge can be built up progressively over time
- Develop students’ reading and writing in all subjects, and tutor periods, to support knowledge acquisition, vocabulary development and ultimately promote the value of reading for pleasure
- Develop students’ numeracy and mathematical reasoning in all relevant subjects so that students are able to understand and appreciate the importance of Mathematics
- Ensure that Religious Education plays a central role in allowing students to develop an academic understanding of major world religions as a central tenet of their cultural capital, as well as providing opportunities for students to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, whilst also promoting respect for other peoples’ faiths, beliefs and values
- Provide opportunities within our curriculum for students to engage in learning related to other aspects of their Social and Physical development to allow them to leave school equipped to make positive choices with regards to relationships and wellbeing
- Promote the values of modern Britain: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
- Ensure that our whole curriculum remains accessible to all students including those with SEND through quality first teaching, and making reasonable adjustments to ensure the full curriculum can be followed by all
If you require more information regarding the school curriculum for your child, please contact Miss E.Eeles - Assistant Headteacher: Curriculum and Assessments: E.Eeles@stretfordgrammar.com
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Structure
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Structure