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Our Careers Information, Advice and Educational Guidance

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) are key elements of our work with students at Stretford Grammar School. CEIAG covers a range of activities that help our students to become more self-reliant and better able to manage their personal and career development, as part of their ongoing learning. It is our aim that our students will be well prepared and able to make informed decisions regarding the next stages in their lives, enabling them to thrive.

Students throughout their time at Stretford Grammar School are supported in lessons to develop academically and also to think about life after school and the skills needed for the world of work.

A detailed programme of information and guidance is provided to all students through PSHCE lessons, specialist work related learning days, appointments with Connexions and work experience programmes.

Key Stage 3

Students throughout Key Stage 3 learn skills related to good financial management.  This provides them with the opportunity to investigate budgeting, saving for the future and day to day expenditure and income.  Throughout the programme students have the opportunity to meet with employers who explain the different employment sectors and the skills they have developed in these sectors.  The opportunity to question employers allows students to discuss future options, career paths and to begin to develop an understanding of the route their career path may take.

All students at Key Stage 3 have access to our on-line planning tool analysing skills developed in school and relating these to the world of work.  Access to Morrisby is available in school or at home and allows parents and carers to support their child in thinking about future hopes and aspirations.

Year 9 students begin the year using Morrisby our on line GCSE support which allows students to review their progression from Year 7 before making option choices in February.  Students work with the Connexions Careers Adviser in PSHCE lessons and have a 1-2-1 support meeting with Connexions, a service which we also offer to Year 8 students.

A programme of career investigation linked to qualifications focuses on areas such as post 16 and post 18 education, Apprenticeships and employment opportunities as well as beginning a five year cycle of investigating labour market data locally and nationally to identify trends and skill need.  Parents and carers are invited to attend the Key Stage 4 Options Evening, when students can discuss options with all teachers and meet with our Careers Advice service.

Key Stage 4

Students continue to investigate career opportunities with a focus on developing a greater understanding of employment and training opportunities and have the opportunity at the end of Year 10 to undertake a work of work experience in an area related to their hopes and aspirations.  In partnership with Our Futures we ensure that all Work Experience placements meet Health and Safety regulations and students are support before and after the placement with lessons on health and safety, salaries, employer expectations and how to make the most of work experience.  In the Summer Term of Year 10 all students have an appointment with the Careers Adviser to discuss options post 16 and this is linked to use of our on line planning tool, Morrisby.

For work experience students will undertake a self-placement which they have found for themselves or a school placement which is allocated following discussions with the student about future career aspirations.  All students will complete a work experience diary which allows them to reflect on their learning from the placement and also for the employer to provide feedback on the student.

As students enter Year 11 we turn the focus of CEIAG to the development of skills relating to applying for education and employment.  This includes sessions on CV writing, letters of application, interview techniques and application forms.  Continuing our look at labour market information we match future need to post 16 options as part of our taught PSHCE programme.

All Year 11 students meet regularly in timetabled sessions with the Connexions Adviser who supports them in making post 16 choices and provides additional support for students with specific needs.

Our Sixth Form Open Evening and Taster Days in schools allow students not only the opportunity to discuss course options and content but also to experience life in a Sixth Form by taking part in Sixth Form lessons and living the life of a Sixth Former.  This is preceded by in school days on revision techniques and how to make the most out of the time in the run up to examinations.  We invite parents to attend an open event to discuss this programme and to see how they can support their child.

As part of our duty to provide independent information and guidance we make all possible options known to students whether in our own Sixth Form or elsewhere.

Our Connexions Adviser also attends results days to support students make the next step.

Sixth Form

In Year 12 we encourage students to think about life post 18 quickly to provide focus for studies at AS and A Level.  Students are given individual Connexions appointments throughout Year 12 and 13 to help them consider the future choices they may make.  Students can also use our Connexions drop in facility every Thursday lunch time to have a 1-2-1 session concerning anything they wish to discuss.

Form tutor time throughout the Sixth Form is used to develop our information and guidance programme moving from settling in to Sixth Form and expectations at the beginning of Year 12 to Higher Education, Apprenticeship and employment opportunities from the Spring Term.  Students attend the UCAS information day in Manchester, talking to HE providers about courses and opportunities including funding.  Potential Oxbridge candidates and those applying for medicine, dentistry and veterinary science are given guided small group support and attend open days at Oxford, Cambridge and medical schools in support of developing their own understanding.  Students receive a programme of support from organisations such as local HEIs on the completion of applications, how to make the most of open days and student finance and we run our annual evening for parents to cover these areas.   Year 12 students undertake a week of work experience in activities week.

All Year 13 students continue to receive and individual Connexions appointment and are mentored by their form tutor or a member of the Sixth Form Team as they prepare to make UCAS or employment applications.  Students can be referred to Connexions for individual support by parents, carers, form tutors or teachers as necessary.  Students are offered interview practice prior to university days and afterwards meet to discuss the outcomes.

Year 7

  • Skills audit from the on-line careers planner
  • Analysis of job advertisements in terms of skills, qualifications and attributes
  • How is the world of work portrayed in the media?
  • Stereotypes related to the world of work
  • What it means to be employed

Specific Work Related Learning Opportunities

Year 8

  • Banking and debt management – what is meant by credit and how can we budget our money?
  • The world of the small business – why would someone start a business and what would they think about?
  • Designing a product – how major manufacturers and business appeal to the consumer
  • Developing business and enterprise skills
  • The importance of enterprise in the local economy – Manchester – a case study
  • Investigating career planning using Morrisby
  • The tenner challenge
  • What it means to be self-employed

Year 9

  • Options post 14 and post 16
  • Which GCSE for which career and which apprenticeship/post 16 subjects/university course?
  • Individual Action Planning for Careers and future aspirations
  • Gender equality in the jobs market
  • Accessing credit in the banking system and managing your bank account
  • The tenner challenge
  • Modern Apprenticeships as a route at 16 and 18
  • The Which Way Now programme

Year 10

  • Skills audit for the world of work
  • Who am I as a learner and how will this be useful in career planning?
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Metacognition and bloom
  • Ages and salaries
  • Preparing for Work Experience
  • Health and safety in the work place
  • A week work experience placement
  • Interview experience with a local employer
  • Modern Apprenticeships as a route at 16 and 18

Year 11

  • CVs and Application Forms
  • Thinking for success – the interview process
  • Examination results – what next?
  • What is the careers/education landscape post 16 and post 18
  • An introduction to UCAS
  • Subject disciplines and the world of work
  • Modern Apprenticeships as a route at 16 and 18

Sixth Form

  • A Level Mindset – developing the skills to become a successful A Level student
  • Post 18 Preparation – preparing for the next stage of education/training
  • Professional Values – developing our understanding of acceptable behaviour and language in a professional working environment
  • Life Beyond School – developing the skills to contribute to the wider school/local/global community and how to maintain our mental and physical wellbeing
  • Global Issues – raising awareness of the political and cultural diversity in our world


The DfE 2018 Statutory Guidance on careers requires that there is opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access all students for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships.

A range of external providers are invited into school to support the careers programme. These might include local colleges, universities, training providers, apprenticeship organisations, employers, school alumni, or staff from various projects. In all cases, such staff and organisations will be vetted for suitability by the relevant staff at school in terms of their adherence to the vision and values of the school and to the School Equalities Policy.

Any external request for access to provide this information should be made in writing (letter or email) to the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for CEIAG who will then work with the Connexions service to ascertain the suitability of these providers meeting with students following review of company/organisation web site and or prior knowledge of the company/organisation.  Where it is felt that a company/organisation does not mirror the visions and values of Stretford Grammar School or comply with the requirements of the Equalities Policy they will be formally declined access to the student body.

Where the opportunity for access is granted then the school will make a suitable space available for discussions between the provider and the students, as appropriate to the activity.  The school will then make available ICT and other specialist equipment to support the presentation. 

1. A stable careers programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.

  • The careers programme at Stretford Grammar School is planned within the PSHCE curriculum and is available on the school web site and in the overview of the PSHCE curriculum.
  • The careers programme is overseen by an Assistant Headteacher who is a member of the school SLT.
  • There is link governor for CEIAG who meets with the Assistant Headteacher to review the provision of careers which is reported to the governing body and minuted.
  • The CEIAG Policy is available on the school website and is updated annually.  The policy explains how providers may request to visit the school to meet with the students.


2.Learning from career and labour market information

Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

  • Students use the Morrisby careers software which is accessible in and out of school.  This is live labour market information which is used when investigating career pathways and choices.


3.Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

  • The school provider of independent advice and guidance, Connexions, meets with all students from Y9 to Y13 and maintains individual records of the provision and advice offered to students.
  • Every student has an electronic account for tracking work on careers education.
  • The scheme of work investigates how the protected characteristics are used within employment and with regard to removing barriers to employment.
  • The school publishes the data for destinations on the school web site.


4.Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

  • All STEM subjects have sections in course literature for GCSE options and for A Level relating to career pathways through these subjects.

5.Encounters with employers and employees

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

  • An encounter is undertaken in every year group with at least one employer with reference to differing forms of employment, including self-employment and volunteer work.  This is planned into the Y7 and Y8 scheme of work in PSHCE and is undertaken through drop down days in Y9 – Y13.

6.Experiences of workplaces

Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

  • All students undertake a work experience placement in Y10 through our partner provider Our Futures.   Students in Y12 will undertake a self placement for work experience.  These occur during the annual activities week.


7.Encounters with further and higher education

All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

  • Students in Key Stage 4 undertake the activities relating to Universities Week as part of the CEIAG provision in PSHCE lessons.
  • Drop Down Days in Key Stage 4 and post 16 contain talks from Higher Education Institutions and from students in HEI about routes post 18.
  • Students in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 have encounters with providers of apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships as part of the Drop Down programme.
  • Students at Key Stage 5 through their tutorial programme will have input from higher education institutions on the application process and student finance.


8.Personal guidance

Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made.

  • All students in Y9 – Y13 have one face to face meeting with the Connexions Adviser.  Our partner in this is Trafford Connexions.  Students may also request a separate face to face meeting with the adviser outside of their timetabled meeting.