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Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Expedition July 2024

77 Students enjoy some fine weather in the Forest of Bowland

During the final week of school when our community is engaged in active learning, 77 Year 9 students embarked on the expedition section of the Duke of Edinburgh award. On a drizzly morning, the group congregated at Waddecar Scout Camp and immediately began by setting up camp and sorting out their kit. They then set off on a training walk around the locality, learning about map and compass skills and enjoying nature and all that it has to offer - including the steady rain!

Following the initial training the group then cooked their first meal outdoors - the air was soon filled with the heady scent of noodles and pasta with various sauces! No DofE expedition would be complete without this food rite of passage. The first night under canvas was one of a steady putter patter of rain and by 1am the camp was quiet - well mostly! The following 2 days was spent on assessment as the various groups headed out to tackle Beacon Fell or the more adventurous and challenging Parlick. The weather during the assessment days was excellent, and it gave the students the opportunity to enjoy the wonders of the outdoors. By the end of the 3 days all students had passed and Mr Price was pleased with the approach to the 'leave no trace' attitude. Many thanks to Mr Whiting, Mrs Lea, Miss Hayton, Mr Ritchie and Mrs Price - they gave freely of their time and were really supportive of our students.  Mr Price hopes that this experience will lead to the students enjoying future outdoor adventures.