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Welcome to our School

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our school community. 

I hope the pages contained within this website provide you with a flavour of what life is like at Stretford Grammar School.

However, what I would say, is that I believe Stretford Grammar School is a special community.  I felt it when I first walked through the doors of the school and that belief still resonates with me today.  I know the sacrifices that some parents and carers have made to support their child in getting a place at Stretford Grammar School and as such, I believe there is therefore a weight of responsibility placed upon our community to ensure that each and every one of our children has a chance to shine. 

This belief, in part, has been shaped by my own upbringing.  One of my earliest memories of my father was the importance he placed on education for his family.  A working man all his life, he was determined that his children gained the qualifications and experiences that would help them to go on to lead successful lives.  As a result, he supported his children in gaining a place at the local Grammar School. This aside, I remember walking the journey from home to the Grammar School with a pedometer in the vain hope that we lived beyond the boundary for a free bus pass; such was the importance for my Dad that his children got in to the Grammar School.

The other value I gained from my father was the importance of people, of “friendship” and community.  These two values have guided me through my time as a Senior Leader, but even more so as a Headteacher.  Whilst he never got the opportunity to see his son as a Headteacher, I sincerely hope that if he was to walk through the door, he would see some of his values in the things we advocate at Stretford Grammar School.  You may find schools with better building stock, but I challenge anyone to find a special community like Stretford Grammar School contained within four walls. 

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Stretford Grammar and I hope we get to meet soon.

Michael Mullins
