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25 Years of Laughter and Tears

A message from your Librarian.......

25 Years of Laughter and Tears

To ‘Read Aloud’ over the song  ‘Not Going Home’, my cycling to work song that I’m also trying to play on the Saxophone . Just a hint of the person behind the professional

Firstly, no, I’m still not leaving.

I have tried many times over the years to do so but there was always one more challenge to get my teeth into and so, here I am. Former Head of Languages, Head of Year, Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator, Senior Teacher and Tutor from Years 7-13, not to mention Teacher in charge of Trainee Teachers, Newly Qualified Teachers, Professional Development, Teaching and Learning and Trips abroad, to Librarian

In the fast and furious world we live in to stay still for too long can be interpreted as narrowing your experiences and therefore restricting your opportunities. I can safely say that has not been the case for me at this great school, on the contrary. The fact that I cannot understand where all those years have gone is testimony to the wonderful experiences I have had the fortune to encounter at SGS as’ first and foremost a teacher of Spanish. When I say SGS I mean of course the staff, the students and their families, from whom I have learned so much. I have my own Record of Achievement file, bursting at the seams with cards, photos and memorabilia that can still make me laugh out loud and cry inside; how lucky and privileged I am. To this day, I bump into former students with very fond memories of their school days, whether it’s lessons, trips, clubs, sports, plays, concerts, Proms ,who will always have specific teachers, my fabulous colleagues, they want to ask about.

I cannot begin to recall the many and varied visits, events and trips that I have lead or supported. Fantastic opportunities for developing those all important relationships that lead to success back in the classroom environment and are held dear, many years later, by all involved. I have my list of outtakes that make me laugh when times are tough but I’ll keep those to share with my colleagues!

I intend for my remaining years to be as productive, supportive, creative and engaging as the 25 behind me and still hope to make a difference. For those of you from our wonderfully diverse and welcoming community who have known me at any point along this journey, thank you for your support, kindness and respect. I couldn’t have done it without you and it’s been amazing and enriching.

I loved my role as a teacher as I now love my role as a librarian; I love books and enthusing others to love books as well. It’s important to always have a book on the go and so for now that book is a novel by Isabel Allende called, ‘A Long Petal of the Sea’. Given to me by a dear colleague and friend it has everything in it that is important to me and in life in general; a story that connects Spain and South America, poets and novelists, a story of what hope and humanity can achieve in the face of adversity, human kindness whoever the person, whatever the background, whatever the need. The only thing that’s missing is a bit of Tango, as it is right now in my world, but not for long!

Thank goodness, I’m no longer still attempting to read 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 25 years of trying, 25 years of hurt, hoping you get the reference. I will, however,  maintain my daily dose of Magical realism here in the library at SGS looking out over a changing landscape, a new building to gaze upon and a new Library management system to keep me busy and just maybe another 50 costumes to source and make for the next school production. For the time being, I’m still walking that yellow brick road in my glittering red shoes. A pair from many, with accompanying Prom dresses, and I’m not giving anything else away about the person behind the professional.

Best Wishes to you all,

Sharon McCarthy
