No More Knives...
16th March 2022 saw Stretford Grammar Pupils in Years 7 to 11 take part in a No More Knives Day.
This day involved personal testimonies, mainly from our local area of people who had been the victims and perpetrators of knife crime, bringing home to everyone how dangerous knife crime can be and the consequences for families of this act. The Message Trust and Greater Manchester Police engaged students through music and information to explore ways for students to stay safe when out and about on the streets and how the prevalence of knife crime is from a perceived threat which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Students were involved in all parts of the day whether sharing their own thinking or dancing along to the rap group who helped deliver the message about staying safe on the streets. Students and staff spoke highly of the way in which they were brought into the session and both The Message Trust and GMPA spoke highly of the participation of all.