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Notification of a request to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator for a variation to the 2022 Admission Arrangements

As part of the Schools successful Selective Schools Expansion Fund (SSEF) bid, the Governing Body proposed an amendment to its admission arrangements in order to improve access to selective education for pupils eligible for the pupil premium.  

As part of the Schools successful Selective Schools Expansion Fund (SSEF) bid, the Governing Body proposed an amendment to its admission arrangements in order to improve access to selective education for pupils eligible for the pupil premium.  Due to an administrative error, the agreed amendment was not included in the document published as the 2022 Determined Admission Arrangements.

Only after publishing the determined arrangements was the omission discovered.  Not to apply for a variation to correct the position would be at odds with the stated intention of the Governing Body and the School and would disadvantage those students that may have expected to be afforded a level of priority                                                                       

The 2022 published determined admission arrangements read:

3. Pupil Premium - 32 Places will be allocated to students on Pupil Premium, irrespective of distance.  Candidates, on Pupil Premium, with equal scores to the lowest candidate in this allocation will also be offered places.

This should have read:

3. Pupil Premium - 32 children, eligible for the pupil premium, that achieve the test pass mark of 334 will be allocated places, in order of test score.  Pupil premium students with equal scores to the lowest candidate in this category will also be offered places.  If there are fewer than 32 children in this category, then pupil premium children scoring more than 324 will be prioritised in order of test score until the 32 places are filled.

And it is for this variation that the Governing Body will apply.

The variation will ensure that those children, eligible to receive the pupil premium, will be afforded the intended level of priority agreed by the School and the Governing Body as part of its successful bid.

If you have comments or questions regarding the proposed variation please email