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Year 8 Rugby

The Year 8 Boys Rugby Team played a 12-a-side game....

where Ben Cooke captained The Reds and Jonny Fernandez-Arias led The 'All Blacks'. The game began well with The 'All Blacks' on top with strong running in attack, but the end of the first half saw 'The Reds' coming back into the game, where it was 24-17 at half-time. Eventually, The 'All Blacks' took the win beating the Reds 53-22. The 'All Blacks' try scorers included Yiannis (4), Jonny, Stan, Ollie, Farzad and Sami (2), with conversions coming from Jonny, Farzad and Stan. The Reds try scorers included Linus (3) and Leon. Player of the Match goes to Sami Ahmed for excellent tackling on the wing, and for completing some excellent tries assisted by passages of good passing play.